What we do
The Department of Global Justice and International Cooperation is in charge of promoting cooperation, education and policy coherence for global justice with the collaboration of other municipal departments and a large number of actors in the city (NGOs, trade unions, coordinating bodies, study centres, social movements, etc.).
To make it possible:
- Manages the economic resources earmarked by the City Council for international cooperation and global justice (0.7% of its own income) including the annual call for grants for entities dedicated to the field of global justice and international cooperation.
- It supports and coordinates the municipal areas to guarantee their participation in international cooperation and global justice projects that are specific to them.
- It dynamises and provides technical support to the Municipal Council for International Cooperation.
- It coordinates efforts and establishes agreements with other public or private entities to make international cooperation actions more effective.
- It carries out and promotes initiatives to inform and raise public awareness about international cooperation, the promotion of peace and the defence of human rights.
The main planning instruments are the master plans and annual work plans. The current one is Barcelona City Council's fifth Master Plan for Cooperation for the period 2023-2026. This Plan specifies Barcelona City Council's sectoral or thematic and geographical cooperation priorities.
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