Barcelona hosts the 5th specialized conference on public procurement and extraterritorial liability

Bàner jornades
29/09/2022 - 14:00 h - Cooperation Ajuntament de Barcelona

The Socially Responsible Public Procurement Group, which Barcelona City Council has been supporting since 2012, is organizing the 5th specialized days on public procurement and extraterritorial responsibility in human rights on November 16 and 17, 2022.

With the subtitle “The promotion of a public procurement model based on the protection of Human Rights” this year we wanted to strengthen the internationalization of the conference and the return to attendance.

That is why it has been made to coincide with 2 other events that had not taken place physically for more than 3 years:

  1. Meeting of the International Working Group on Ethical Public Procurement (IWGEPP), which brings together public administrations and civil society entities. This group has been working for years to advance the guarantee of basic labor, social and environmental rights in global public sector supply chains.
  2. Meeting of the public institutions affiliated to the Electronics Watch (EW) network. Barcelona City Council has been part of the EW network since 2016, which is responsible for monitoring labor and social rights in the production chains of the ICT machinery purchased by the City Council. More than 400 public administrations and NGOs from all over the world are part of this network. The meeting will be held on November 17 in the afternoon and on November 18 all day, by invitation.