Barcelona signs collaboration protocols with Mexico City and Oaxaca to join forces in the development of a green and sustainable urban model

Janet Sanz a Ciutat de Mèxic
03/10/2022 - 12:08 h - Urban planning and infrastructures Ajuntament de Barcelona

As part of her institutional trip to Mexico, Janet Sanz, Deputy Mayor for Ecology, Urban Planning and Mobility of Barcelona City Council, signed collaboration protocols with Mexico City (on September 24) and Oaxaca (on September 28) to establish synergies and take advantage of the experience of the urban transformation projects they develop.

With Marina Robles, Secretary for Environment of Mexico City, she agreed to create an Observatory for Green Urban Infrastructure and Urban Regeneration Policy as a work space in which to share experiences of urban transformation and innovation, while with the municipal president of Oaxaca, Francisco Martínez Neri, she agreed to establish a common technical work space on sustainable urban planning, waste management, protection of local commerce and conservation of urban heritage.

Deputy Mayor Sanz also participated in the XII Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism that was held in Mexico City from September 21 to 25, where she highlighted the urban transformation of the Barcelona Superblock and the World Capital of Architecture 2026. The Architect in Chief of Barcelona City Council, Xavier Matilla, also attended.