Tourism Marketing Strategy for Destination Barcelona (EMTDB)
Data and documents
In this space we put statistical data at your disposal so that you can know the situation of tourist activity in Barcelona first hand.
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All the reports, studies and documentation of tourism management at your fingertips.
206 documents
- Tourism Marketing Strategy for Destination Barcelona (EMTDB)
- Declaration of best practices for tour groups in public areas in Barcelona
Document acordat amb les dues associacions de guies oficials, Aguicat i APIT, per millorar la gestió dels grups turístics guiats a la via pública, la qualitat del servei de guiatge, l'experiència del visitant i l'encaix amb la vida veïnal. Conté un annex específic per als barris de Ciutat Vella que registren major afluència turística.
- Barcelona 2021 Observatory
The annual report of the Barcelona International Positioning prepared by the Barcelona Observatory, Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, ranks the city as the 9th most attractive in the world and the 4th in Europe by visitors.
Image - Evaluation of the Strategic Tourism Plan 2020
Evaluation of the Strategic Tourism Plan 2020
- Barcelona Call for Action
The Barcelona Call for Action was presented during the Future of Tourism World Summit, an international summit that brought together industry experts to reflect on the key role of tourism in reviving the economy in the post-pandemic era.
Image - Quantification of the impact of tourism on the municipal budget
Report commissioned within the framework of the Strategic Plan for Tourism 2020 by the taxation and tourism working group of the Tourism and City Council which asked to quantify the impact of tourism on the municipal budget
Image - Estratègia de màrqueting turístic
- Culture and creative industry as a factor in the transformation of the visitor's economy
Report of the Department of Tourism and Creative Industries presented to the Committee on Economy and Finance of March 17, 2021, which includes the main conclusions of the Forum of debate 'City, Tourism and Culture: a joint opportunity' and the lines of action to be developed.
- The domestic market in Barcelona city report. 2018-2019
Analysis of the Spanish market in Barcelona city 2018-2019. Observatori del Turisme a Barcelona: ciutat i regió
Image - Tourism wages in Barcelona 2018
The Municipal Data Office of the Barcelona City Council presents this report that provides new data on the wages of people who work in the city's tourism sector. Based on the exploitation and analysis of the salary information from the Continuous Sample of Working Lives (MCVL), it offers, in the first place, a brief summary of the profile of workers in the sector. It also analyzes the salary structure in detail, based on the personal characteristics of the workers and other variables related to their jobs. The salary differences between women and men in the sector are also analyzed, as well as the evolution of the purchasing power of employees between 2010 and 2018, to end by briefly addressing the phenomenon of ‘mileurismo’ (referring to those people who earn 1,000 euros per month) tourism.
Consult the Tourism Observatory
Barcelona's statistical information, knowledge and tourist intelligence platform