Renovation of Fabra i Coats – Museum of Work (ICUB)
The strategy for geographical diversification of the tourism offer includes the renovation of part of the old Fabra i Coats factory.
The project, carried out by Barcelona d’Infraestructures Municipals (BIMSA), involves the renovation of building F at the Fabra i Coats complex, located between Carrer Segre and Carrer Parellada. The complex will be managed by the Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA).
Specifically, the renovation of the building is aimed at:
- Reclaiming the historical memory: The so-called “Building F” is one of the buildings that formed part of the industrial complex of the historic textile company Fabra i Coats. This industrial complex is an example of the Catalan textile industry, which began its operations in the 19th century and was located within the city. Fabra i Coats was one of the most important industrial complexes in Barcelona and today stands as an industrial site that showcases the evolution of the city’s textile industry. From this complex, a significant collection of documentary and photographic archives, as well as a prominent collection of factory machinery and tools, have been preserved. This essential collection will form the basis of the new exhibition space, showcasing the historical evolution not only of Fabra i Coats but also of the city’s industry during the Industrial Revolution and the 20th century.
- Reclaiming the industrial heritage: The new space will provide a museological narrative of this essential heritage, transforming the collection of historic buildings into new tourist attractions. Promoting the Fabra i Coats complex as a new focal point: Building F is one of the buildings in the complex still awaiting renovation; the remaining buildings of the former complex have already been refurbished for various uses. The renovation of the complex has seen the establishment of a secondary school, an art centre and a building for social housing, among other developments. The remaining building to be renovated is Building F. Once this project is completed, the Fabra i Coats complex will become a new cultural, educational and community hub within the Sant Andreu district.
- Improving coexistence among residents and community uses: This new museum space will become a key catalyst for the surrounding area and an essential part of the community life in the neighbourhood. The Fabra i Coats complex will become a new and important focal point in all urban, social, cultural and economic dimensions, aligning with the city’s strategy to place new visitor attractions in the peripheral neighbourhoods of Barcelona.