Current news

We keep you informed in this section about all the news on Barcelona's economic activity.


Presentation of the book “El comerç de tota la vida”


El comerç de tota la vida is being presented at the Mercat de les Corts this Saturday at...

Barcelona residents rate local stores as the best place to shop


Residents believe that they receive better service from local retailers when doing their shopping. Satisfaction...

Learning about diversity through poetry


Poetry readings were given by students and traders from the Hostafrancs and Trinitat Vella  neighbourhoods from 6...

Podeu participar a les Jornades sobre el futur dels eixos comercials de Barcelona


The Department of Commerce at Barcelona City Council and the IESE Business School are organising a meeting...

15 de març, Dia Mundial del Consumidor


In 1983, the United Nations established World Consumer Rights Day to reclaim consumer rights and duties world wide...

Sants shopping district to be made more accessible


The Sants Sense Barreres (Sants without Barriers) project's programme of subsidies aims to improve the accessibility of...

The shutters of establishments in Sants and Les Corts transform the shopping district into an art gallery


Its not every day that you find works by Van Gogh, Sorolla, Monet and Goya on the streets of...

Market chairmen have visited 4YFN at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona


Market chairmen visited 4YFN at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

A Barcelona Markets...

Catalan retail creates RetailCat


The retail sector presented the Catalan Retail Entities Union  (RetailCat) this Thursday, a new business...

Eight of the city's shops receive the Christmas Shop-Window Competition prize


For the second year running, Barcelona has held its Neighbourhood Christmas Shop-Window Competition, awarding...

Commerce in Fort Pienc, was the star attraction on the TV3 programme ‘Valor Afegit’


The neighbourhood of Fort Pienc is at the centre of a pioneering Barcelona City Council initiative to promote...

El comerç de Barcelona mostra els primers signes de recuperació

Barcelonas commerce has been showing signs of recovery for the first time since the start of the...