Cooperativa El Segle XX building to become a facility for Barceloneta
The City Council is to spend three million euros renovating the building as part of a package of investments agreed on with local residents. With nearly 700 square metres of floor space, the building will become a space for cultural and community uses.
Located at C/ Atlàntida, 1-3, the building has four floors and a mezzanine floor. Once renovated, it will have a multi-purpose hall, a meeting space, a function room with a stage, a technical control room, a tribune, a dressing room and rooms for radio, green screen and video editing.
The Cooperativa Obrera Popular Segle XX was founded by a hundred associations in 1901. Its renovation responds to a long-standing demand from local residents in this neighbourhood. The work will be tendered next year and is expected to take 16 months.
The project comes within the context of the plan for investments worth 31 million euros during the current term of office in Barceloneta.