
Smou app's icon

SMOU is the app that helps you to get around Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area, providing access to information and mobility services to make it easy for you to move around the city.


With SMOU you have in your hands:

- Bicing: plan your route, reserve bikes and take them with smou. With SMOU, you'll be able to reserve a bike and check the availability of bikes and docking points at each station in real time.

- Parking meter: pay for regulated on-street parking quickly, comfortably and without waiting. You pay only for the time you use it, without extra costs and without having to go to the parking meter. You can use it in Barcelona, Badalona, Castelledefels, El Prat de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat, Gavà, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Montgat, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just Desvern and Sant Vicenç dels Horts.

- Barcelona Residents: pay and manage the tickets to park as a resident in the Green spaces and/or in the specific parking spaces for residents.

- Parking via app: access off-street car parks with the automatic number plate recognition system, without having to take a paper ticket. There’s no need to go to the tickets machine, you can pay for your stay with your mobile phone! Also, just for paying through the app, you save 30% at BSM Car Parks!

- Taxi: book and pay for your taxi with the app and move around the city in a sustainable way with Taxi Ecològic's 100% electric and hybrid fleet.

- Endolla Barcelona: recharge your electric vehicle from your mobile phone. You can also locate and reserve the charging points in advance.

- Shared mobility vehicles: locate and check the availability of all motorbike sharing, bike sharing and car sharing services in the city.

- Public transport: check the timetables, stops and stations of Metro, Bus, TRAM, Ferrocarrils and Rodalies.

- How to get there: functionality with which you can see the different itinerary options, with the different means of transport and the duration of each route. So you can choose the one that most interests you.

Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 9.0 and higher.
  • Android 5 and higher
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store


Smou app's icon

SMOU is the app that helps you to get around Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area, providing access to information and mobility services to make it easy for you to move around the city.


With SMOU you have in your hands:

- Bicing: plan your route, reserve bikes and take them with smou. With SMOU, you'll be able to reserve a bike and check the availability of bikes and docking points at each station in real time.

- Parking meter: pay for regulated on-street parking quickly, comfortably and without waiting. You pay only for the time you use it, without extra costs and without having to go to the parking meter. You can use it in Barcelona, Badalona, Castelledefels, El Prat de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat, Gavà, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Montgat, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just Desvern and Sant Vicenç dels Horts.

- Barcelona Residents: pay and manage the tickets to park as a resident in the Green spaces and/or in the specific parking spaces for residents.

- Parking via app: access off-street car parks with the automatic number plate recognition system, without having to take a paper ticket. There’s no need to go to the tickets machine, you can pay for your stay with your mobile phone! Also, just for paying through the app, you save 30% at BSM Car Parks!

- Taxi: book and pay for your taxi with the app and move around the city in a sustainable way with Taxi Ecològic's 100% electric and hybrid fleet.

- Endolla Barcelona: recharge your electric vehicle from your mobile phone. You can also locate and reserve the charging points in advance.

- Shared mobility vehicles: locate and check the availability of all motorbike sharing, bike sharing and car sharing services in the city.

- Public transport: check the timetables, stops and stations of Metro, Bus, TRAM, Ferrocarrils and Rodalies.

- How to get there: functionality with which you can see the different itinerary options, with the different means of transport and the duration of each route. So you can choose the one that most interests you.

Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 9.0 and higher.
  • Android 5 and higher
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store

Llum Bcn 2025

App Llum Bcn's icon

The app has information on all participating light installations to guide you as you visit Llum BCN 2025. You can distinguish between them by colour and shape in four categories: artists, schools offering university degrees, other collaborations and Off Llum. Check them on the 2D or 3D map by lists ordered according to distance or artists’ names.

Create itineraries, receive alerts and update notifications and explore the tutorial to discover all the possibilities of the app. Improvements have been introduced for the 2025 edition in terms of accessibility and the visualisation of the installations.

Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 16.0 and higher.
  • Android 8.0 and higher.
Catalan, Spanish, English
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store

Barcelona a la Butxaca

Barcelona a la butxaca app's icon


Cost de l'aplicació: 
Compatible amb: 
  • Android : 6.0 and higher
  • IOS: iOS 12.0 and higher. Compatible with iPhone, iPad i iPod touch.
  • Apple Vision: visionOs 1.0 and higher
Català, castellà
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store.


Spro app's icon

SPRO is the application for professionals which you can use to park conveniently and easily in DUM parking places in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and the Bus Zone areas in the city.

With SPRO you can use the DUM and Zona Bus parking services.

- Urban Goods Distribution (DUM): If you are a professional driver with an authorised vehicle, you can manage your parking in the DUM parking places in the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area from your mobile phone easily and without using the parking meter.

- Bus Zones: If you are a bus driver, you can park in the Barcelona Bus Zones without having to use paper parking tickets.


For problem-free loading and unloading in DUM parking places.

1. Activate the parking time in just a few steps, thanks to improved usability.

2. Enjoy 30 minutes of free parking so that you can load or unload with ease.

3. Receive a personalised notification when your regulated parking time is up.

To use the Bus Zones without having to leave your vehicle.

1. Activate the parking time or the stop in just a few steps.

2. Select the type of parking or the stop you want and check the available times.

3. Receive a personalised notification when your regulated parking time is up.

4. Pay for the parking you need using your mobile phone.


- Locate the nearest DUM or Bus Zones parking places.

- Check anticipated occupancy levels and regulated parking times.

- Manage your operations and your vehicle data, whether yours is a personal or a company account.


If you are a professional who parks in DUM parking places, use the service for parking in Barcelona and other municipalities in the metropolitan area. Now available in Badalona, Castelldefels, Esplugues de Llobregat, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just Desvern, and Santa Coloma de Gramenet, and coming soon in Prat de Llobregat.

Cost de l'aplicació: 
Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 12.0 and higher.
  • Android 5.1 and higher
Catalan, Spanish, English
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store

BCN +65

Bcn65 app icona

BCN+65 és l’app de les persones grans de Barcelona. Aplega, de forma fàcil i accessible, tota la informació d’actualitat i els principals serveis i recursos municipals per a les persones de més de 65 anys de la ciutat en un sol punt d’accés. A més, l’aplicació compta amb un servei d'avisos per ajustar-se millor a cada persona usuària, i integra el servei VinclesBCN, que reforça les relacions socials de les persones grans que se senten soles.

Cost de l'aplicació: 
Compatible amb: 
  • Android 4.1 and higher.
  • iOS 8.0 and higher.
  • iOs 15.0 and higher.
Catalan and Spanish.
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store 
Enllaços d'interès: 


Tibidabo App's icon

The Tibidabo Amusement Park app lets you enjoy experiences and keep up to date with everything that’s happening in the Park.

A wide variety of activities await you in Tibidabo! Check out all the shows and animations planned every day to make sure that you don't miss anything! Plan your visit by marking as favourites the shows and attractions you like best and find out how to get up to the top of the mountain on public transport.

Thanks to GPS technology, you can see your location in the Park in real time, waiting times for each attraction and their location on the interactive map.

If you belong to the great Tibiclub family, you can access your private area from the app. You’ll find your discounts and invitations there for you to enjoy the Park to the full!

Cost de l'aplicació: 
Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 12.0 i superiors.
  • Android 4.4 i superiors.
Català, castellà, anglès
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store

Joc Bicing

Joc Bicing app's icon

No aplica

Cost de l'aplicació: 
Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 13.0 and higher.
  • Android 5.1 and higher
Catalan, Spanish
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store
Enllaços d'interès: 

Points of interest

Points of interest webapp's icon

Discover the city and its neighbourhoods through this new app showing Barcelona’s main points of interest. Natural and urban spaces, museums and schools and research centres for discovering and locating on the city’s map. Take a deep look at Barcelona’s ten districts. ​

Compatible amb: 
  • Devices Android: Chrome 55 and Android Browser 53.
  • Devices iPhone & iPad: iOS Safari 10.2.
  • Windows environments: Chrome 55 & Firefox 50.
  • Mac OS environments: Chrome 55, Firefox 50 & Safari 10.
Catalan, spanish, english and french.
Captura aquest codi QR amb el teu mòbil per accedir directament a la botiga d’aplicacions.

Fonts BCN

Fonts BCN app's icon

The Fonts Bcn application gives you access to information on Barcelona's fountains, for finding out the nearest fountains to you and how to reach them, consulting the map and obtaining basic information on all the city's drinking fountains.

You'll also be able to consult information on the artistry, history and curiosities behind the fountains that are highly valued as works of art or outstanding icons from Barcelona's urban furniture.

Essential for discovering the wide range of Barcelona's public drinking fountains.

You will also be able to listen to the fountains' music in real time as they “dance” their choreography.

Cost de l'aplicació: 
Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 11.0 and higher.
  • Android 4.4 and higher.
Catalan, Spanish and English.
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store.

La Mercè - Barcelona’s annual festival

La Mercè app's icon

The Mercè 2024 app has all the information you need about this yea's entertainment programme.

When you open the app, it shows some of the programme's highlights, but you can search for any festival activity if you filter by type, venue and time slot. You can search using key words, and by the different programme categories. Wha's more you can see a list of artists classified by category, and a list of all the venues with activities.

During the festival, you can also do a search using the "here and now" option, which tells you the events that are on nearest to you. Collective searches are possible too, for Barcelona Acció Musical Festival (BAM) concerts and Mercè Arts de Carrer Festival (MAC) activities.

Cost de l'aplicació: 
Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 12.0 and higher.
  • Android 5.1 and higher.
Catalan, Spanish and English.
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to the app store.

Cursa Bombers Barcelona

Cursa de bombers Barcelona app's icon

The Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona will once again fill the streets of the city with thousands of runners accompanied by members of the Barcelona Fire Brigade. It is one of the most popular 10 km races in the city.

We want to offer our runners an unforgettable experience from start to finish and turn the Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelon into the great running festival of Barcelona.

With this application you can:

- Follow your favorite runners and find out if they have already passed the checkpoints

- Check the results of La Cursa and share your diploma

- Receive push notifications with information of interest

- Read the news related to La Cursa

- Check the mobility effects on the day of La Cursa and the refreshment points

- Invite your friends to be part of La Cursa and create your community

Accessibility statement for the application:

Cost de l'aplicació: 
Compatible amb: 
  • iOs 15.0 and higher
  • Android 5.0 and higher
Català, castellà, anglès