Like a piano, the book unfolds under our hands and invites us to touch its pages, interpret its textures, silences, and pauses. As if it were an improvised composition," explains Ona Balló, curator of the eponymous exhibition.

Presentation at La Capell bookstore of Barcelona esgrafiada. With the participation of the author, Lluís Duran; the architect and colorist Joan Casadevall, from Gabinet de Color; and the journalist Carles Cols.

A guide that invites us to take a walk to discover the "tattoos" on the facades. Presentation on June 19, at 5:30 p.m., at La Capell bookstore of the Architects' Association of Catalonia. As part of Architecture Weeks.

The presentation of the book "Estoy hablando de mi generación" painted an in-depth portrait of the time, with a focus on Claudi Montañá’s life experiences, and his recording of them.

The Palau de la Música hosted the presentation of the book 'Victòria dels Àngels. Tot semblava tan senzill'. The author, Pep Gorgori, Mercedes Conde, deputy artistic director of the Palau de la Música, and Helena Mora, president of the Victoria de los Ángeles Foundation, intervened.

The photographic legacy of Ginés Cuesta, the renowned Barcelona-based photographer known for capturing the beauty of everyday life in the neighborhoods of Barcelona, was commemorated in an emotional presentation of his posthumous book.

Lapin i Chamo San

This new creation of French artist Lapin, co-published with Hoaki Books, promises to take readers on a unique journey through the most emblematic streets, squares and nooks of Barcelona.

Imatge coberta catàleg Barcelona Llibres 2024

We are launching a new catalog of Barcelona Llibres, showcasing more than four hundred lively titles published by the Editorial Services Department, available in both print and freely downloadable digital formats.

Book search


Els camins antics de Barcelona

21 itineraris de senderisme urbà seguint les traces dels camins antics al Pla de Barcelona

Xavier Martínez Edo

Imatge de la coberta del llibre 'Dibuixem Barcelona. 2 edició'

Dibuixem Drawing Barcelona

De la muntanya al mar. From the mountain to the sea

Urban Sketchers Barcelona

Les opcions de Barcelona. El segle de Cerdà

Volum 3

Ramon Grau Fernández



Imatges i gestos del passat i del present

Victoria Cirlot

Imatge de la coberta del llibre 'Carles Santos. I ara, què?

Carles Santos. I ara, què?

Ona Balló and diversos autors

Imatge de la coberta del llibre 'Soc la Dolors Aleu'

Soc la Dolors Aleu

Ana Montserrat Rosell and Marta Barceló García

Imatge de la coberta del llibre 'Darrere les persianes'

Darrere les persianes

Breu història de les lesbianes a Barcelona

Isabel Franc , Rosa Navarro and Maria Giralt

Imatge de la coberta del llibre 'Barcelona Esgrafiada. 2 edició'

Barcelona esgrafiada

Lluís Duran

Imatge de la cobertam del llibre  'Un altre fi. La resta'

Un altre fi. La resta

Art i antifranquisme

Nora Ancarola and Amanda Cuesta

imatge de la coberta del llibre 'Guia 2024 de la restauració de Barcelona'

Guia 2024 de la restauració de Barcelona

Direcció de Serveis de Comerç, Restauració i Consum , Roger Ribó and Silvia Micolau

Sketching Barcelona

Lapin and Kevin Krell

La Barcelona fotografiada de Ginés Cuesta

La bellesa quotidiana / La belleza cotidiana

Ginés Cuesta , Isabel Segura i Soriano and Violeta Batiste

Coming soon

Per què la guerra?

Memòries, herències i representacions de les violències bèl·liques

Jordi Font Agulló and Diversos autors

Imatge de la coberta del llibre 'Els papers de Tierno Galván Coming soon

Els papers de Tierno Galván

La rivalitat Madrid-Barcelona dels primers ajuntaments democràtics

Àlex Masllorens


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Our living catalogue includes more than 400 books – in both physical and digital, free-to-download format – divided into 12 collections.

Sala Ciutat sits next to the old Gothic façade of Barcelona City Hall. There, you will find books published by Barcelona City Council and the city’s museums and cultural centres.

The aim of these guidelines is to make all users of Barcelona City Council’s visual identity aware of the ways it can be applied and its different versions.

Barcelona Metròpolis is a magazine founded in 1986 and published by Barcelona City Council. It deals with cultural, urban planning and social issues relevant to the city.

Consult Barcelona City Council’s Open Knowledge Repository (including decrees, government measures, scientific literature, plans, etc.) and image bank.

General information. Literary promotion. Libraries and reading. The publishing industry. International. The UNESCO Office.

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You can now subscribe to the new Barcelona Llibres newsletter. You’ll find information on new publications, fairs, events and presentations of our books.
