Biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias - Can Fabra

Biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias - Can Fabra

Address Carrer del Segre, 24 Districte Sant Andreu 08030 Barcelona
Contact +34 933600550
Dies Hores
Dilluns, dimecres, dijous i divendres
de 09.30 h a 20.30 h
de 09.30 h a 13.30 h i
de 15.30 h a 20.30 h
de 10.00 h a 14.00 h i
de 16.00 h a 20.00 h
de 10.00 h a 14.00 h


Especialització còmics

This library holds a collection specialising in comics. This form of communication and narration has long had an important standing in Catalonia, where a large number of comic authors and publishing companies operate.

Aladí. Collective catalog of the Municipal Library Network

Aladí is the collective catalog of the Municipal Library Network of the province of Barcelona.

It collects and allows you to identify all the documentary information found in the libraries and on the network's bookmobiles.