Biblioteca Montbau - Albert Pérez Baró

Biblioteca Montbau - Albert Pérez Baró

Address Carrer de l'Arquitectura, 8 Districte Horta-Guinardó 08035 Barcelona
Contact +34 934270747
Dies Hores
Dilluns, dimarts, dijous i divendres
de 15.00 h a 20.00 h
de 09.30 h a 13.30 h i
de 15.00 h a 20.00 h
de 10.00 h a 14.00 h

Detective novels

Gènere negre

Specialising in noir fiction, the Biblioteca Montbau – Albert Pérez Baró offers users a comprehensive collection of fiction and non-fiction, with something for everybody.

Aladí. Collective catalog of the Municipal Library Network

Aladí is the collective catalog of the Municipal Library Network of the province of Barcelona.

It collects and allows you to identify all the documentary information found in the libraries and on the network's bookmobiles.