Welcome to

Biblioteca Poblenou-Manuel Arranz

Welcome to

Biblioteca Poblenou-Manuel Arranz

Carrer del Joncar, 35
Districte Sant Martí 08019 Barcelona
Contact +34 934856622
Període Dies Hores
Del 25 setembre al 23 juny
Dilluns i divendres
de 15.30 h a 20.00 h
Dimarts, dimecres i dijous
de 09.30 h a 13.30 h i
de 15.30 h a 20.00 h
de 10.00 h a 14.00 h

Estiu 2024

Del 24 juny al 24 setembre

Dilluns i divendres

excepte dilluns 23 setembre que romandrà tancada

de 15.30 h a 20.00 h
Dimarts, dimecres i dijous
de 09.30 h a 13.30 h i
de 15.30 h a 20.00 h

Traditional and popular culture

Cultura popular i tradicional

The Biblioteca Poblenou – Manuel Arranz has a space devoted to traditional and popular Catalan culture. This specialised collection includes documents based around the various manifestations of popular culture (such as mythology, everyday life and events), as well as researchers and organisations.

Aladí. Collective catalog of the Municipal Library Network

Aladí is the collective catalog of the Municipal Library Network of the province of Barcelona.

It collects and allows you to identify all the documentary information found in the libraries and on the network's bookmobiles.