The STEAM BCN plan
A programme for promoting scientific and technology careers, starting from childhood.
Science and technology professionals are increasingly sought after. A major gap between global supply and demand is predicted in the market for professionals with these profiles. This gap increases yet further in the case of women, as there is an alarming gender inequality. In Barcelona, girls represent just 13% of people on ICT courses and 26% in the science and technology sector.
Faced with this scenario, Barcelona Activa has created STEAM BCN (Science, Technology, Art, Engineering and Mathematics) to foster science and technology vocations from pre-school to secondary school, offering tools and resources to both teaching staff and families.
The project focuses on the gender perspective and demystification of the scientist associated with a background and socio-economic status. Workshops, training capsules, visits to research centres, ideathons, etc. have all been designed to be rolled out in schools, libraries, universities or Fab Labs, among others.
In collaboration with the GSMA and the Government of Catalonia, programmes such as MSchools and the YoMo Festival are promoted, attracting more than 10,000 children and 4,000 educators. Educational programmes are also delivered in Fab Labs: 4 public Fab Labs that train more than 5,000 students and teachers in digital production and IT literacy in schools.