Call for grant and subsidy applications for district and city projects, activities and services for 2023
- Status:
- To be justified
- Submission period:
From January 09 to 26, 2023 (both included)
- Amendment and challenge period:
From May 30 to June 13, 2023 (both included)
- Period for submitting reformulations:
From May 30 to June 27, 2023 (both included)
- Themes:
- Teenagers and young adults
- Animal well-being
- Science, innovation and knowledge
- Trade, markets and consumption
- General call
- Culture
- Social rights and social services
- Ecology and sustainability
- Sports
- Participation and associations
- City
- Districts
- 2023
- Access procedure:
- Go to Virtual Office
Last update:
Barcelona City Council has published its call for grant and subsidy applications for district and city projects, activities and services.
The application-submission period for the 2023 call is from 9 to the 26 January first and last dates included.
You will find the call’s document below, with its subject areas and programmes, as well as the documents required for the application’s processing.
- General regulatory bases [Es] (PDF 824.84 KB)
- General call for subsidies 2023 [Es] (PDF 1.66 MB)
- Amendment call [Ca] (PDF 126.77 KB)
- Appendix programs [Es] (PDF 373.27 KB)
- Guía de apoyo y asesoramiento a las personas solicitantes (PDF 1.27 MB)
- Information sessions for the 2023 general call for applicants [Ca]: New Dates (PDF 350.25 KB)
- Basic 2-word document [Es] (DOCX 1.19 MB)
- Basic document 2-open office [Es] (ODT 934.38 KB)
- Application guide for the Ecosocial Perspective criterion [Ca] (PDF 474.07 KB)
- Application guide for the Intercultural Perspective criterion [Ca] (PDF 734.46 KB)
- Support guide for online processing [Ca] (PDF 1.96 MB)
- Form modality Ak) [Ca] (XLSX 46.7 KB)
- Form mode Ce), Cf), Cg) [Es] (PDF 145.94 KB)
- Document modality Nb) [Es] (DOCX 25.27 KB)
- Link Questionnaire internet presence modality Nc) [Ca]
- Mode O indicator sheet [Es] (XLSX 30.72 KB)
- Declaration of transparency [Es] (DOCX 46.06 KB)
- Informative note bank account designation [Es] (PDF 422.38 KB)
- Amendment to basic document 1 - word [Es] (DOC 1.01 MB)
- Amendment to basic document 1 - Open Office [Es] (ODT 926.65 KB)
- Provisional granting and denial resolution [Ca] (PDF 4.1 MB)
- Project [Es] (DOC 2.02 MB)
- Project [Es] (ODT 933.67 KB)
- Reformulation of the project [Es] (DOCX 62.49 KB)
- Reformulation of the project_Open Office [Es] (ODT 39.15 KB)
- Informative note reformulation modification project [Es] (PDF 297.89 KB)
- Compulsory informative note [Es] (PDF 94.92 KB)
- Guide for annexing additional documentation [Ca] (PDF 696.41 KB)
- Final grant and denial resolution [Ca] (PDF 4.53 MB)
- Amend Final Resolution [Ca] (PDF 300.61 KB)
- Revocation Resolution [En] (PDF 462.57 KB)
- Modification of the Project [Ca] (DOCX 62.3 KB)
- Modification of the Free Software Project [Ca] (ODT 39.15 KB)
- Guide for the electronic processing of justifications [Ca] (PDF 1.28 MB)
- Instance presentation justification [Ca] (DOC 105.5 KB)
- Instance presentation justification_Free Software [Ca] (ODT 37.13 KB)
- Action report [Ca] (DOC 121.5 KB)
- Activity Report_Free Software [Ca] (ODT 34.59 KB)
- Economic report [Ca] (XLSM 87.71 KB)
- Economic report_Free software [Ca] (ODS 38.24 KB)
- Economic report VAT deducted [Ca] (XLSM 89.29 KB)
- Financial report of VAT deducted - Open Source-software [Ca] (ODS 38.62 KB)
- Declaration responsible invoices [Ca] (DOC 19.47 KB)
- Declaration responsible invoices_Free software [Ca] (ODT 18.16 KB)
- Reintegration letter. Free Software [Ca] (ODT 45.44 KB)
- Letter Reintegration [Ca] (DOC 78 KB)
- Status:
- To be justified
- Submission period:
From January 09 to 26, 2023 (both included)
- Amendment and challenge period:
From May 30 to June 13, 2023 (both included)
- Period for submitting reformulations:
From May 30 to June 27, 2023 (both included)
- Themes:
- Teenagers and young adults
- Animal well-being
- Science, innovation and knowledge
- Trade, markets and consumption
- General call
- Culture
- Social rights and social services
- Ecology and sustainability
- Sports
- Participation and associations
- City
- Districts
- 2023
- Access procedure:
- Go to Virtual Office