Barcelona Cultura

At present


Did you know?

Did you know?

On July this year took place the 150th Anniversary of the birth of the painter Gustav Klimt. Following these lines there are a series of stamps about the most acknowledged painters of Austria.

On 14 July 1862 was born in Vienna one of the most famous artists on the international scene. It is placed artistically within the symbolist painters group, a style of French origin from 19th century’s first third, which is characterised by the creation of idealised characters and scenes with strong literary connections. This year takes place the 150th Anniversary of his birth, and as could not be otherwise, Vienna shows numerous expositions which make possible to know in deep detail this artist’s professional career.

Symbolism arrived to Barcelona in 1893. At that moment, modernism stopped being a refreshed and wide movement to become a more restrained one, which favoured this new artistic trend entrance. Among the major artists introducing this new movement, Santiago Rusiñol, and Alexandre de Riquer deserve a special mention.

In 1932 the Austrian State pays tribute to these painters through the issue of a stamps series: Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, Moritz von Schwind, Rudolf von Alt, Hans Makart, Albin Egger-Lienz and Gustav Kimt. The series can be consulted in the online collection: MGPB 001883-MGPB 001888



March 8, 2012