Barcelona Cultura

At present


We participated in the sample of activities for schools

On June 30 was held at the Cosmocaixa Barcelona Show Activities from 2014 to 2015 PAE, and Collection Marull was there!

The PAE’s Exhibition of Educational Activities 2014-2015 took place at Cosmocaixa in Barcelona on 30th June.

The Exhibition of Educational Activities is organised every year by the IMEB’s Pedagogical Coordination Council for the purpose of presenting the Educational Activities Programme that is offered by various social and cultural bodies in Barcelona to all the schools in the city and the surrounding areas.

The exhibition was held once again this year, and it proved to be an excellent experience for all those taking part.

The teachers who attended were shown the pedagogical possibilities of the Marull Collection website – as a pedagogical complement to students’ historical, political and geographical education, as a pedagogical complement to art studies and history of art, and above all for teaching students the value in terms of heritage of artistic items and pieces, their beauty and the curiosity they can arouse.

This year we presented a few new features:

Sin título

Personal Stamps: different people give their personal views on stamps and explain some of their little-known aspects.


The “Deconstruction of a stamp” video.

Els nous Singulars: la interessant immersió en els segells xinesos, per exemple

Unique new features: this interesting exploration of Chinese stamps, for example.

The official presentation of the event was organised by Gerard Ardanuy, Councillor for Education and Universities of Barcelona City Council, and was followed by an entertaining conversation with Carme Riera, the author from the Balearic Islands.

The exhibition took place in different parts of the museum, featuring activities that showed the work that institutions do in schools. In this way, the teachers could see all the different types of activities and how they are carried out.

The different stands that comprised the exhibition included institutions such as the Picasso Museum, the Blau Museum, the Museum of Music, the Monastery of Pedralbes, the future Museum of World Cultures, the Museum of History of Catalonia, the Gas Museum, and many others.

Finally, to all those who were unable to attend the exhibition, we suggest that you have a look at the collection on this website!



July 22, 2014