Presentation of the poster exhibition ‘Ara, aquí, les escoles per l'alimentació sostenible’

10/12/2021 - 12:06 h - Commerce and markets Ajuntament de Barcelona

Today, in Les Cotxeres de Sants, was celebrated the presentation of the exhibition of posters of the initiative ‘Ara, aquí, les escoles’, a project promoted by Barcelona City Council and the Consortium of Education of Barcelona, ​​with the collaboration of Schools + Sustainable, in the framework of Barcelona World Capital of Sustainable Food 2021.

2,500 students from 80 primary, secondary and special education schools in Barcelona have called for new food measures and a future based on a new, healthier, more sustainable and fairer food system through art -178 posters-. These creations, which communicate aspects related to food that value health, sustainability and global justice, can be seen from 16th to 22nd December in the entrance hall of the City Council.

The event began with a musical performance by the choirs In Crescendo and Teen Soul of the EMM Joan Manel Serrat, who performed a part of the cantata ‘Embolic de tardor’, with the libretto by Ada Parellada and music by pianist Albert Guinovart.

Next, the Councilor for Education of Barcelona City Council, Pau González, inaugurated the parliaments: “Schools are levers of change and we must continue to work on them. There is no planet B, we have to stop the climate emergency. ” “We have to think about the origin of the food, the situation of the producers and the cycle that the food follows until it reaches our table,” he added.

Then it was the turn of the Minister of Education of the Generalitat, Josep González i Cambray. “Every action has a social impact on the planet. We still have time to do it, “said Gonzalez, adding that” education is the most powerful weapon to change the world “and that” we must be responsible with future generations. ” At the end, a video was shown on the work being done in schools to move towards a good food system for people and for the planet.

After a second performance by the choirs, from the cantata ‘Embolic de tardor’, Gemma Carbó, director of the Museum of Rural Life of l’Espluga de Francolí, and Juli Palou, professor of the Department of ‘Linguistic and Literary Education of the University of Barcelona, ​​who have commissioned the exhibition’ The Alphabet of Sustainable Food ‘. During the parliaments, they have been presenting the different posters made by the students.

“Food, in addition to being healthy, must be sustainable, with local and fresh products. We have to choose between a healthy, sustainable and ecological world and a black and polluted world”, said Professor Juli Palou. For her part, Gemma Carbó said that “biodiversity must be taken care of, as well as the people behind the production of the food we eat”.

The event concluded with a challenge for children, who had to explain what a series of images related to food production suggests to them.

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