The markets are a benchmark for life in the neighbourhoods of Barcelona and provide an experience not only of shopping, but also of coexistence for citizens.
1- Consolidating the market as a central place in the neighbourhood
The markets of Barcelona are working to position these facilities as places for generating unique experiences, with the twofold commercial and social aspects. Therefore, they define specific strategies for each type of market and provide consumers with added value that differentiates them from other food shops.
2- Maintaining the transformation of the neighbourhoods by means of the renewal of the markets
The Municipal Institute of Markets of Barcelona aims to promote its participation and that of the markets in the design and urban planning of the city, among others, designing spaces inside and outside the market for civic and social use or incorporating the concept of energy self-sufficiency in all the facilities.
In addition, they are committed to maintaining and strengthening the model of public-private co-financing in the refurbishment processes of the markets.
3 - Strengthening the commitment of traders to the market and the network
The Municipal Institute of Markets of Barcelona aims to build and disseminate the shared discourse of values and the vision of the markets, involving the various facilities in the operational development of its Strategic Plan.
Furthermore, it also works to bring citizens closer to their role as consumers, to adapt and standardise the opening times for citizens, and to encourage joint market and market network initiatives.
4 – Boosting the relation between the market and the local shops
The IMMB wants to promote the continuous collaboration market and the local shops, strengthening the relationship between the commercial axes and the markets and promoting joint activities, in coordination with the Department of Commerce.
Moreover, it is committed to monitoring and interpreting the implementation of the PECAB (Special Plan for Commercial Food Facilities in Barcelona), continuously assessing the impact that its application has on the markets.