New tourism promotion strategy
Barcelona City Council will define a new tourism promotion strategy by the Tourism Consortium focused on reputation, targeting markets that align with the city’s interests. The aim is to manage, rather than just promote, the tourism offer.

The purpose of this action is to integrate the municipal objectives of this measure into the working dynamics of the Barcelona Tourism Consortium and update its priorities so that tourism promotion aligns with the current requirements of tourism management.
The Barcelona Tourism Consortium must take into account the new tourism management scenario, which also means modernising and adapting its operational model , with new stakeholders, new governance structures and new objectives, all within a public-private cooperation framework as an optimal setting.
The Consortium will need to focus on the following priorities:
- Consolidate the sustainability of the tourism model and its alignment and coherence with the city model and with the life of citizens, raising the awareness among the stakeholders of the visitor economy.
- Encourage the geographical decentralisation of tourism activity by adopting a polycentric approach, through the promotion of new imaginaries.
- Promote the recognition or creation of new content based on culture, creativity, quality and the distinctive values of Barcelona as a destination.
- Boost the comprehensive digitalisation of tourism activity and promotion.
- Prioritise the city’s reputational strategy.
- Develop a promotion strategy for the city that highlights local commerce and restaurants.