Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez

Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez

Collections and projects

Showing 4 results.

  • Estudi de Ràdio Maconda
    13/06/2024 - 11:27 h Radio Maconda

    This is a platform open to all libraries in Barcelona, where they can showcase their activities and work through programmes that are uploaded to the network in the form of podcasts.

  • Imatge de l'Espai sensorial de la Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez
    13/06/2024 - 11:53 h Sensory space

    This is a space that favours attention and wellbeing, featuring materials and electronic devices that play with sound, light or vibration. It is an environment designed especially to stimulate the senses.

  • Fotografia de Francisco Ibáñez
    13/06/2024 - 12:02 h Francisco Ibáñez Collection

    In this special collection, you’ll find a selection of Mortadelo y Filemón comics and those about other characters created by Francisco Ibáñez. You’ll also find books about the history of TBO and the Editorial Bruguera.

  • Imatge de la Vila Olímpica
    13/06/2024 - 12:28 h Local collection

    It strives to collect and disseminate a large part of the memory of the old town of Sant Martí de Provençals and its neighbourhoods, which now form part of the present-day Sant Martí district, with a particular focus on La Verneda in Sant Martí.