21/12/2024 - 20:00 h Environment and sustainability Cleaning strike called off for the Christmas holidays
Regular cleaning services will continue in the city following an agreement between the unions and the cleaning companies.
02/09/2024 - 10:15 h Interculturality The hiring of people of diverse origins at Barcelona City Council is beginning to bear fruit in order to improve attention and citizen representativeness
The City Council has hired, through awarded companies, a total of 75 people thanks to the new Instruction for the promotion of diverse labor recruitment for reasons of representativeness and effectiveness of contracts for care services to people.
03/06/2024 - 13:02 h City Council Primera tesi doctoral sobre la contractació pública sostenible de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona
This research analyzes the impact of Socially Responsible Public Procurement (CPRS) as a public policy of Barcelona City Council
Municipal electronic services
Secure access to information and municipal electronic services
Consultive Board on Administrative Procurement
Consultive Board on Administrative Procurement