Introduction and benefits
The public procurement Barcelona City Council has been pushing ahead with is promoting the city's sustainable development under the principles set out in the the General Assembly of the United Nations’ report “Transforming our world: Agenda 2030 for sustainable development” and in the European Commission's Europe 2020 Strategy.
These documents understand sustainability as a crucial factor for building a fair society that takes account of human rights and equality among people, respects the environment by making optimum use of natural resources and encourages responsible consumption. As a cross-cutting element, innovation is also being bolstered to ensure these social and environmental goals are achieved as efficiently as possible.
The guidelines here, within the realm of Barcelona City Council , are spelt out in Mayoral Decree S1/D/2017-1271, of 24 April, on Sustainable Public Procurement, approving the measures and guidelines for applying sustainability to the contracts entered into by the City Council.