• “The Proactive City” looks for innovative projects to combat the drought

    The fifth edition of “The Proactive City” focuses on the drought and the shortage of water. Projects can be submitted from now until 20 May.

  • Hablemos de formas de financiación para un proyecto emprendedor dentro de la Economía Social y Solidaria

    Actividad enmarcada en el programa de formación y acompañamiento Construimos en Femenino de Barcelona Activa

  • Barcelona City Council’s Electronic Procurement Portal

    New municipal information system allowing the use of electronic, computer and telematic means in the procedures regulated by Law 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts

  • Social public procurement, a social and economic transformation tool

    Barcelona City Council wants this economic driver to help to change the economic and social model



The hiring of people of diverse origins at Barcelona City Council is beginning to bear fruit in order to improve attention and citizen representativeness

02/09/2024 - 10:15

The City Council has hired, through awarded companies, a total of 75 people thanks to the new Instruction for the promotion of diverse labor recruitment for reasons of representativeness and effectiveness of contracts for care services to people.

La Dra. Yunalis Salazar en la defensa de la tesis

Primera tesi doctoral sobre la contractació pública sostenible de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

03/06/2024 - 13:02

This research analyzes the impact of Socially Responsible Public Procurement (CPRS) as a public policy of Barcelona City Council

The Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan for 2024 has been approved

15/05/2024 - 10:20

This year the Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan proposes 24 goals to be achieved, with the support of the network of transverse areas involved in its development and monitoring.