Call for subsidy applications for multi-annual projects (2022-2023) aimed at improving Barcelona’s female sex workers' access to social and employment rights

To be justified
Submission period:

From November 23 to December 22, 2021 (both included)

Social rights and social services
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]

Last update:

Call for subsidy applications, awarded on a competitive basis, for supporting multi-annual projects that are aimed at empowering female sex workers and improving their access to social and employment rights in Barcelona and which would start in 2022 and finish by 31 December 2023 at the latest. 

This call centres on improving the employability of sex workers; care and advice for sex workers indoors and access to basic social and economic rights for sex workers in emergency and highly vulnerable situations. 

The application-submission period is from 23 November to 22 December 2021, first and last dates included. 

To be justified
Submission period:

From November 23 to December 22, 2021 (both included)

Social rights and social services
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]