Grants and subsidies for the strengthening and reactivation of the social and solidarity economy 2021

To be justified
Submission period:

From April 06 to May 05, 2021 (both included)

Ecology and sustainability
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]

Last update:

The projects or activities for which grants and subsidies will be granted must promote activities of public or social interest for Barcelona city whose aim is to help achieve the goals of the Barcelona Strategy for the Social and Solidarity Economy 2030 – to revitalise and strengthen an economy for life in the city – as well as the Municipal Plan to boost the social and solidarity economy in the city for 2021-2023. The projects proposed for a grant or subsidy promote and strengthen the common elements that define the transforming nature of the social and solidarity economy, such as democratic and participatory management, a focus on human needs and a commitment to the community.

  • Promoting measures for awareness and dissemination, drive and visibility as an alternative economic model.
  • Implementing measures to generate new social and solidarity economy initiatives in the city leading to the creation of jobs.
  • Measures for the transformation of commercial companies, economic organisations and non-profit associations into organisations of the social and solidarity economy that give rise to stable and sustainable employment.
  • Promoting measures to strengthen and enhance current social and solidarity economy initiatives.
  • Putting in place measures to improve structure and cooperation and create points of attraction capable of scaling and growing business activity.
  • Activities directly linked to the ESS 2030 BCN strategy’s strategic lines, support levers and city goals.


Given the number of projects submitted, their quality and their contribution to the development of the objectives above, and in order to be able to subsidize some of the applications that could be rejected due to lack of budget, by agreement of the Governing Commission of July 1, 2021 the budget allocation has been increased by 75,000 euros, leaving the overall final budget of the call set at 1,275,000 euros

The application period is from 6 April to 5 May 2021 (inclusive).

To be justified
Submission period:

From April 06 to May 05, 2021 (both included)

Ecology and sustainability
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]