Barcelona Markets collaborate with La Marató de TV3

17/12/2021 - 10:07 h - Commerce and markets Ajuntament de Barcelona

On Sunday, December 19th, La Marató de TV3 returns, this year dedicated to mental health, which includes diseases such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or eating disorders. These health problems affect one in four people at some point in life and have a great impact on the quality of life of the people who suffer from them and those around them.

The markets of Barcelona have also wanted to contribute to this solidarity campaign. In this way, they have organized a series of activities with the aim of raising funds for research in the field of mental health.

Tomorrow, December 18th, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Carmel Market organizes a circular walk with departure and arrival at the market to the Bunkers and Park Güell, in collaboration with Grupo Dance. This same day, Abaceria Market celebrates a popular ‘escudella’, accompanied by a series of activities, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the entrance of Pare Claret.

Also tomorrow, Ninot Market will place two tables for collecting donations, one inside the market (Mallorca street) and the second outside, in one of the surrounding squares. In this sense, Concepció Market has also organized, from December 9th to 18th, a fundraiser: market customers can purchase a solidarity pen for an amount of 2€, which will be given in full to La Marató.

Apart from the activities of La Marató, the city’s markets are collaborating in other solidarity campaigns and initiatives related to research and solidarity with refugees and with families at risk of social exclusion.

Sagrada Família Market collaborates, during the Christmas season, with the AEFAT association, made up of relatives of people who suffer from ataxia telangiectasis throughout Spain. Market customers can contribute to the investigation of this rare disease by rounding up their bank card purchases at the market.

Carmel Market and Mercè Market collaborate with the Vall d’Hebron Blood Bank by donating baskets with market products to raffle off, with the aim of encouraging citizens to donate blood.

During these holidays, Sants Market has a toy collection point, within the framework of the ‘Cap nen sense joguina’ campaign, and Provençals Market also organized a solidarity campaign to collect clothes and toys on December 11th.

Markets of La Boqueria and Sants have also welcomed the ‘Acull un plat’ initiative, promoted by the CCAR, which makes visible through the kitchen the situation of many migrant people seeking asylum and refuge in Europe. The project consists of a showcooking in which a renowned chef accompanies a refugee person in the preparation of a traditional dish from their country of origin, while explaining her story to the audience. On December 10th, it was held in La Boquería, with chef Víctor Galcerán and Ismael, from Guinea Conakry, and on December 14th, in Sants, with Ada Parellada and Alhassan, who arrived in Barcelona two years ago from the same country.

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