Between 2009 and 2019, the market underwent a refurbishment. In October of this last year, the new market opened at C/ Sant Adria, 154. It currently has a space for twelve establishments and a supermarket. It has an area of 9,340 square metres distributed on the ground floor, mezzanine and two basement floors.
The refurbishment of the Mercat del Bon Pastor was included in a project that provided for the demolition of the old market and the construction of a building with the following elements:
- First floor (3,146 m2) there are the market facilities and the commercial area.
- Mezzanine floor (1,125 m2), office spaces and market facilities and supermarket.
- First underground floor (1,931 m2), the car park and service facilities.
- Second underground floor (3,146 m2), the logistics areas of the market and supermarket.
The refurbishment has been of great importance in this eastern end of the city and the District of Sant Andreu, since its rehabilitation has represented a strong public boost in favour of the commercial activity of this neighbourhood.