Live music

Everyday piano


Carles Santos is remembered as one of the most innovative and, at the same time, unclassifiable artists, capable of shaking up the perception of music and contemporary art, and of establishing an interdisciplinary dialogue that explores new forms of artistic expression, always from the starting point of his instrument, the piano. This spirit was evident both in his creations and in his performances, and his work as a pianist - whether through his own work or that of other composers - contributed significantly to the dissemination and appreciation of newly created music. This programme highlights Carles Santos’ personal repertoire as a pianist, which ranges from contemporary classical works recorded on his first album Piano - such as Henry Cowell’s Aeolian Harp - to his own works such as Armandino 77 (recorded on his second album dedicated to the instrument, Pianotrack, from 1984), with an emphasis on new works by other Catalan composers such as Xavier Benguerel, Anna Bofill, Joan Guinjoan and Josep Maria Mestres-Quadreny, to whom he was the dedicatee between 1966 and 1974. To conclude, and as a testimony to his legacy for future generations, Hara Alonso takes a posthumous look at his legacy in Piano Cotidiano (2017), a tribute to Santos as a reference for the sound and performative exploration of the instrument, overcoming the limitations imposed by tradition and freeing it from the quality of a useless piece of furniture.

Concert related to the exhibition “Ja saps tocar el piano. Rastres de Carles Santos”


Henry Cowell (1897-1965): Aeolian Harp (1923)
Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny (1929-2021): Tres Cànons en Homenatge a Galileu, 2 (1966) per a piano i electrònica
Joan Guinjoan (1931-2019): Cèl·lules núm.1 (1966)
Xavier Benguerel (1931-2017): Estructura IV (1967)
Anna Bofill Levi (1944): Poema (1974)
Carles Santos (1940-2017): Armandino 77 (1977)
Hara Alonso: Piano Cotidiano (2017) per a piano i electrònica


Lluïsa Espigolé, piano