Live music

Improvising Europe. Encontres en l'Espai-Temps


Ádám Havas has a solid academic career studying the cultural aspects of music. During the past years he’s studied the improvisation scene in Europe, looking for similarities and differences between places and if their characteristics reflect their own idiosyncracies. At this round table Havas, Museu de la Música de Barcelona and GTS bring some representative artists from the local scene –El Pricto, Vasco Trilla, Liba Villavecchia, Anna Subirana, Míriam Fèlix, Clara Lai, Naná Rovira, Diego Caicedo, Tom Chant– and also from the English –Simon Paton– and Hungarian –Pèter Ajtai– scenes to share experiences and, of course, to improvise together.

In collaboration with Gràcia Territori Sonor and the LEM Festival.