Live music

Matteo Cesari ‘Soliloquies’


The concert will explore exceptional solo flute repertoire in a program that delves into the intimate and expressive capabilities of the flute. Featuring works by Michael Jarrell, Clemens Gadenstätter, Georges Aperghis, Alberto Posadas and Brian Ferneyhough, this concert offers a deep exploration of solitude and personal reflection through sound.

Matteo Cesari (b. 1985, Bologna, Italy) is a dynamic artist and researcher specializing in contemporary music performance. With a distinguished career around the world, he obtained his doctorate with honors from the University Paris IV. Cesari collaborates with renowned composers, performs worldwide with renowned orchestras and shares his experience through international master classes. He has recently released a complete recording of Salvatore Sciarrino's solo flute works for Kairos, showing his profound influence on contemporary music.

In collaboration with the Mixtur festival and the ESMUC.



Part I

Le point est la source de tout (épitome II) (2020), Michael Jarrell (CH) -7’ M
4 Soliloquies on “making of – intimacy”  (2024), Clemens Gadenstätter (AT) -10’
The Dong with the luminous nose (2019), Georges Aperghis (GR) -10’

Part II

Bis in zwei Minuten (2024). Zilin Su (CN) – 2’  M
Prónomo (2010, new version 2020), Alberto Posadas (Madrid) -12’ M
Carceri d’Invenzione IIb (1984), Brian Ferneyhough (UK) – 8’

M: Participant del Taller de Composició Mixtur


Matteo Cesari, flauta

Matteo Cesari is a teacher of the Mixtur Workshops and participant of the Mixtur Composition Workshop