Lectures and courses

Trànsits: Caramelles de Pasqua

  • Foto conversa Caramelles

At the Museu de la Música we dedicate an afternoon to the traditional music of the Pitiüses Islands, with two talks dedicated to the tradition of Christmas and Easter caramelles and the legacy of the Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya in Eivissa and Formentera.

6:30 pm  The Pitiüses Christmas and Easter caramelles

Conversation between Cati Marí, musicologist specialist in traditional music from Ibiza and Formentera, and priest Josep Maria Turull, rector of the Basilica of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona, ​​on the occasion of the liturgical service with Easter sweets on Saturday 15 April in the framework of Traffic.

The Easter caramelles are a unique expression of popular island culture consisting of a series of joys sung by a couple of men with redoubled songs, accompanied by flute, castanets, drum and espasí. Musically, caramelles constitute one of the unique, relevant and beautiful practices of the traditional music of Catalan-speaking territories.

7:15 pm  Register the look: Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya in Eivissa and Formentera

Round table in the framework of the exhibition "Registrar, mirar, recorrer. Las fotografías de la Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya", by Cati Marí Serra, musicologist, Isidor Marí Mayans, musician and sociolinguist.

The Insular Councils of Eivissa and Formentera have published, in several volumes, L'Obra del Cançoner a les Pitiüses (1928), a collection of the texts of all the oral testimonies collected in the research mission that Baltasar Samper and Ramon Morey they made in the Pitiüses in 1928, as well as a significant number of photographs. The conversation will discuss how, based on the registration, study and collection of remains constituting a supposed natural culture unrelated to urban development, a project of collective imagination is built that, in a certain way, continues current.

Followed by a guided visit to the exhibition.

Activity in collaboration with the Oficina d’Afers Religiosos i l’Espai Mallorca.