The caramelles and goigs (songs of praise) are a unique religious, devout, and paraliturgical vocal and instrumental practice in Catalan-speaking territories, which still thrives in many churches in the islands of Ibiza and Formentera. Associated with Christmas and Easter celebrations, in the Pitiusan islands the caramelles involve a group of men, called the carameller squad, who process into the church and sing a long series of goigs with alternating chants, accompanied by flute, castanets, drum, and espasí (traditional sword). Musically, the caramelles are among the most distinctive, significant, and beautiful practices of traditional music in the Balearic Islands.
Following the success of the Easter caramelles presentation during the 2023 edition of Trànsits, the Esquadra de Caramellers Es Xacoters de sa Torre returns to the Sagrada Família to perform the Christmas caramelles, offering another opportunity to experience this unique expression of Pitiusan musical heritage tied to the Matins liturgy.
Although the singing of goigs is characteristic of the entire Catalan cultural sphere, the uniqueness of the Pitiusan redoubled singing —a distinctive vibration at the end of each verse—, the particular sound resulting from the combination of voices and instruments, and its continued vitality make this practice a true gem of intangible heritage.
On the same day 18, Els Xacoters de Sa Torre d'Eivissawill participate in the International evening Mass that will be celebrated at 8 pm in the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia. Access to this mass is free and capacity is limited. More information here.
Esquadra de caramellers des Xacoters de sa Torre de Puig den Valls
Trànsits is organized by the Museu de la Música and the Oficina d’Afers Religiosos.