Guided visits

Guided visit to the temporary exhibition “Ara canto per a mi. Les majorales del Roser i les cançons de pandero”

  • Guided visit to the temporary exhibition “Ara canto per a mi”

By Ester Llop, curator

The songs of the majorales o pabordesses of the Roser brotherhood accompanied by tambourines or quadrat drums will be presented to many towns in Catalonia. The drum, completely painted with sacred images and decorated with ribbons and cascades, is the most significant and spectacular object that has remained from that activity. The Music Museum dedicates an exhibition space to this tradition that the exhibition curator has studied and known in depth.

Ester Llop She has a doctorate in musicology, is a teacher and singer in the Tornaveus group of traditional Catalan polyphony. A scholar of goigs, she has published the book El cant i les melodies tradicionals dels Goigs. De la Mediterrània fins a Amèrica i les Filipines, together with Jaume Ayats and Juanma Fernando El cant i les melodies tradicionals dels Goigs. De la Mediterrània fins a Amèrica i les Filipines (2024).