Barcelona Interculturality Plan 2021-2030
El Pla Barcelona Interculturalitat 2021-2030 té per objectiu avançar cap a una ciutat més inclusiva i lluitar contra la discriminació. És el paraigua estratègic del conjunt de polítiques públiques que l’Ajuntament desplegarà al llarg dels propers deu anys amb una perspectiva intercultural.
One of the features of the new plan is the incorporation of the plurality of beliefs and faiths as part of this cultural diversity, emphasising that this plurality is not only a consequence of migratory processes, but is an intrinsic aspect of our society that is interlinked with other diverse forms of identity (origin, ethnic-racial, linguistic, etc.).
The plan has been drawn up following a consultation and work process that involved all the different municipal areas, taking into account the territorial dimension. It has also entailed an extensive participatory process to gather reflections, ideas and proposals, a process that also involved various religious and convictional communities.
With this plan, the City Council is making a decisive commitment to making the principles of interculturality a reality, and applying them in the sphere of religious pluralism.
Highlights of the plan
1. Advancing towards real equality with regard to the rights, duties and opportunities of all, regardless of beliefs or convictions, based on a commitment to non-discrimination and equity.
2. Making progress in recognising and respecting religious diversity and diversity of beliefs as part of the city’s structural reality.
3. Favouring the creation of spaces and opportunities for positive interaction, and the generation of links and relationships between different religious and non-religious persuasion, under conditions of equality.
4. Promoting intercultural, interreligious and interconvictional dialogue. Fostering citizen participation and a concept of active citizenship that takes into account religious entities and communities as agents of change, and deepens democratic values and practices.
5. To ensure that all municipal government action incorporates the principles and of interculturalism and religious pluralism in their approach.