
Department: Europe Programme of the Department of International Relations.

Contact person: Anna Rebés


Network of major European cities created in 1989 and which constitutes a platform for sharing ideas, exchanging experiences, and elaborating innovative responses, within the framework of common realities and issues.

In 1986 the founding cities (Frankfurt, Lyon, Milan, Rotterdam, Birmingham and Barcelona) met in Rotterdam to discuss the possibility of creating a network of European cities, and it was in Barcelona where, in a meeting in 1989, the Eurocities network was created.

The functioning of Eurocities is based on a double structure: on the one hand, an Executive Committee, a political organ made up of twelve cities, and on the other hand, a series of working groups and forums that provide a specific thematic focus.  The presidency is held, for a two year period, by a member city.  

The network has 170 members, between cities with full rights -130- and member cities -40-, which represent 130 million citizens from 35 countries.


  • To provide the European cities with a voice in front of the Community institutions  so that the cities see their role recognised as essential actors in the process of European construction.
  • The promotion of exchanges, technical cooperation and participation in transnational projects.
  • Participation and organisation in campaigns at a European level.

Participation of Barcelona

Barcelona is founder member of Eurocities, together with Birmingham, Frankfurt, Lyon, Milan and Rotterdam, and has been a member of the Executive Committee from 1989 to 1994 –at the height of the network's consolidation–; from 2001 to 2003 and from 2012 to 2021, when it was elected with the first majority to continue on the Executive Committee. It has also hosted the Annual General Assembly twice, in 1989 and 2002.

In addition, Barcelona has a long history of active participation in the different Eurocities forums and working groups. In 2022 it held the Social Affairs Forum and it holds the Knowledge Society Forum (KSF) presidency between 2021 and 2023; the chair of the Employment working groups (within the Social Affairs forum) and that of Cities for All Without Barriers (within the Mobility forum) as well as the vice-presidency of Housing (within the Social Affairs forum) and City Branding & International Economic Relations (within of the economic development forum).


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