CMIB Award: open call
The window for the submission of projects starts today, and will end on 14 October.
2023 calendar preview
You now have the 2023 calendar preview
Foreign nationals can now vote
If you live in Barcelona, you can take part in the municipal elections on 28 May 2023. Find out how to.
BCN Diverse City Gathering
Recover all the moments in the following compilation of images:
The Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council renews its website
The call for projects for the 16th Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council (CMIB) Award is now open
10/09/2024 - 08:08 h
CMIB. The deadline for submitting projects is 14 October next.
Barcelona to host the UNESCO Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination
20/06/2024 - 19:02 h
Anti-racism. The event will bring together a thousand activists, leaders and experts in the fight for racial and social equity in December.
New call for City Council job pools
20/06/2024 - 11:41 h
City Council. The application period is open until 9 July.