
New participatory budgets: decide what’s best for your neighbourhood
Participation. The process allows members of the public to decide which district projects should get part of the municipal budget over the next four years (2024-2027).

Rise in the number of cases of discrimination reported in the city
Inclusion. The figures come from the report by the Observatory on Discrimination for 2023, with 865 cases representing a rise of 234 compared to the previous year.

The call for projects for the 16th Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council (CMIB) Award is now open
CMIB. The deadline for submitting projects is 14 October next.

Barcelona to host the UNESCO Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination
Anti-racism. The event will bring together a thousand activists, leaders and experts in the fight for racial and social equity in December.

New call for City Council job pools
City Council. The application period is open until 9 July.

The study on the limitations affecting access to rights for young people of diverse origin in Barcelona commences
Diversity. The Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council and Barcelona City Council are the driving force behind the study.

15th CMIB Award ceremony
Awards. The intention is to introduce the reality and wealth that diversity brings to the city.
Application period open for the call with 128 places for City Police officers
Safety and prevention. The application period is from 30 November to 21 December.

New call with 128 places for City Police officers
Safety and prevention. The reservation of 40% of places for women remains, as do non-eliminatory foreign language tests.