The Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan for 2024 has been approved

This year the Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan proposes 24 goals to be achieved, with the support of the network of transverse areas involved in its development and monitoring.

The Government Commission has agreed to the approval and publication of the SPPO 2024 Plan, which is elaborated annually by the Technical Working Group on Sustainable Public Procurement and the Sustainable Public Procurement Commission, proposing objectives and milestones to be achieved throughout the year while applying social, environmental and innovation measures and clauses in municipal public procurement.

This year’s Plan sets 24 objectives that must be achieved, with the support of the network of transverse areas involved in its development. Highlights include the review and updating of the current catalogue of social and environmental clauses, the promotion of reserved contracting, the preparation of risk analysis involved in the supply chains of certain products, or the application of the Special Condition about promotion of diversity in more than 50% of people services contracts.

This document, as usual, also includes a series of annexes in which the entire range of social, environmental and innovation measures available can be consulted by the contracting units, in order to be used as guidelines for the preparation of their tender terms and conditions  and related documentation, with indication in each case of the conditions for their application and the available support resources.

The SPPO 2024 Plan also includes an appendix detailing steps and actions that will be held to implement objective No. 3, which proposes a review and update of the current catalogue of clauses.