The hiring of people of diverse origins at Barcelona City Council is beginning to bear fruit in order to improve attention and citizen representativeness

The City Council has hired, through awarded companies, a total of 75 people thanks to the new Instruction for the promotion of diverse labor recruitment for reasons of representativeness and effectiveness of contracts for care services to people.

La Dra. Yunalis Salazar en la defensa de la tesis

Primera tesi doctoral sobre la contractació pública sostenible de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

This research analyzes the impact of Socially Responsible Public Procurement (CPRS) as a public policy of Barcelona City Council

The Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan for 2024 has been approved

This year the Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan proposes 24 goals to be achieved, with the support of the network of transverse areas involved in its development and monitoring.

Un operari del servei de neteja ruixa una pintada en un banc. Autor: Lucas Amillano

A bigger budget and more staff to clean graffiti in the streets

Cleaning. This will be the first time the contract includes the cleaning of urban furniture and some heritage buildings.

Barcelona’s urban innovation on display at the Smart City Expo

Smart City. Projects on display at the stand include the new sustainable paving stone, industrialised housing and the Digital Twins project.

New maintenance contract for the city’s road tunnels

Urban planning and infrastructures. The Commission approved the awarding of the service contract, which must guarantee the correct condition and working order of fourteen road infrastructures.

Workforce bolstered by 30% in the new contract for cleaning graffiti

Cleaning and waste. The Commission for Ecology, Urban Planning, Mobility and Housing has approved the awarding of the new contract, which comes into effect in January 2024.

New Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan for 2023

Public Procurement. The new annual Objectives Plan, put forward in April at the Sustainable Public Procurement Commission, was approved by the Government Commission at its session of 25 May.

Five transformations in urban planning and public transport with Next Generation funds

Urbanísme i infraestructures. The European funding is aimed at decarbonising urban areas and promoting sustainable mobility.

Artificial intelligence to be reliably introduced into all municipal services

Citizen Rights. The protocol approved defines the mechanisms for protecting citizens’ rights in each stage of the procurement and implementation of an algorithmic system at a municipal level.