Microhistòries de la diàspora

Microhistories of the Diaspora. «Embodied» experiences of female dispersion

Avtar Brah's work is an invitation to think in terms of «diasporic space», a concept that goes further than that of diaspora since it concerns «those limits that include and exclude, the limit that separates belongingness from otherness, ‘us’ and ‘them’». Based on Brah's research, this exhibition inquiries about the specific effects of race, gender, class or language on diasporic subjectivities. We will start from the idea of embodied experience, that is to say the series of juxtapositions, interrogations, transgressions and mediations that are written, individually and collectively, on the multiple singular reinventions that comprise diversity, together with the intimate, imperceptible subversion of our categories of differentiation, and the notion of identity itself.

Microhistories of the Diaspora intends to create a space that permits us to question, to reconsider and to listen from a common epistemology: that of racialized, migrant women, but also that of «those who stay put», all those who dissent from hegemonic narratives and from their discriminatory, static subaltern condition through their activists' stories, their gnosiologies of Southern identities, their literary voices, their self-referential and artistic wisdoms. The women in this project want to understand the impact of economic, political, cultural and psychic processes in the everyday life of each subject. They also describe their own experience inside these multiple intersections, through fruitful dialogues in multiple perspectives and analytic structures.

Tania Adam Mogne, Supported by Pla Barcelona Interculturalitat of Barcelona City Council

Participants: Avtar Bah, Gabriela Wiener, Daniela Ortiz, Patribha Parmar, Brigitte Vasallo, Françoise Vergès, Kira Bermúdez, Úrsula Santa Cruz, Anyely Marín Cisneros, Bombo N’dir, Lucía Piedra Galarraga, Karo Moret Miranda,   Carlos del Clos, Cristina Velázquez, Beatriz Leal Riesco, Rebecca Close, Paqui Perona and Duen Sacchi.