Live music

Ghirlande e fioretti musicali for one and more voices between the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 16th century

  • Foto del concert "Un cafè amb notes d'Antiga" a la Sala de Teclats del Museu de la Música

Traditional concert series in collaboration with the Department of Early Music of the ESMUC, which has the dual purpose of promoting students who are encouraged to play publicly within the framework of the Museum of Music and complementing, for the public, a live music proposal. Attendees will be able to enjoy a coffee before or after the concerts courtesy of Illy. Mornings with good music and good coffee.

Ghirlande e fioretti musicali for one or more voices, between the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century

Marta Almajano and Mara Galassi, conductor
Students from the Early Music Department at ESMUC


In collaboration with:
Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya
