

Catalog management tools

Under the title Vols publicar la teva col·lecció patrimonial a una pàgina de WordPress?, the Coeli company explains three examples of management of funds and collections through the Wordpress management system, which adapt to each type of center, funds and needs.

In our case it has served us to creat the CATICAT project (Catalog of Instruments of Catalonia) began in 2001 led by the Museu de la Música, with the aim of locating, inventing and documenting all the public collections of musical instruments in the country. In that first phase, 17 institutions from all over Catalonia were identified with collections of instruments, both publicly and privately owned but always open to the public. The technical team of the Museu de la Música traveled to the 17 museums to access, photograph and document more than 1,500 instruments. The results of these search campaigns were a database in Microsoft Access format, with about twenty fields describing the name of the object, the dimensions, the authorship, the place, the inscriptions, the organological classification and more.