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Conference in ACDMA
Conference ACDMA. The OND participated in the conference " Mediation in victim care in cases of discrimination" organized by the ACDMA, with the aim of raising awareness about mediation in these cases.

2025, new OND!
New OND. The OND has expanded the equipment and renewed the office to improve the service. It maintains its mission to guarantee human rights and attend to discrimination based on origin, culture, religion, sexual orientation or...

Follow the UNESCO Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination in Barcelona live
Antiracismo. It will feature the participation of Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO; Ana Redondo, Minister of Equality; Salvador Illa, President of the Generalitat, and Mayor Jaume...

Speaking out against racism
Anti-racism. Barcelona presents the campaign “Voices against racism”, with sixty activities in November and through to the middle of December to generate debate and reflection and get people involved in the fight against racism.

THE OND participates in the DINCAT conference
Intellectual Disability. The OND participated last Saturday, October 19, in the 4th Conference organized by DINCAT for Self-Managers with intellectual disabilities held at CosmoCaixa in Barcelona.

Rise in the number of cases of discrimination reported in the city
Inclusion. The figures come from the report by the Observatory on Discrimination for 2023, with 865 cases representing a rise of 234 compared to the previous year.

A city agreement in defence of human rights
City Council. The process for the BCNxDH agreement has been presented, marking the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Racism and xenophobia remain the main reasons for discrimination in Barcelona
According to data from the Discrimination Observatory.

A guide to combat discrimination towards the elderly
Elderly people. The guide has been produced with the Associació SomSenior.

Have you ever heard about The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women?
WOMEN'S RIGHTS. The Convention was signed more than 40 years ago. Today, 189 states have signed and ratified it.
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