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Comprehensive assistance

The OND acts in situations of discrimination on several grounds: age, gender identity, sexual orientation, origin, religion, language, nationality, health, disability or socio-economic status, among others. Such forms of discrimination can amount to hate crimes, but they also manifest themselves in more subtle and invisible ways.



We provide free of charge and confidential assistance to anyone who needs our support and lives works or visits the city. We also assist people from Barcelona who have experienced a discriminatory situation outside the city.



Based on the complaints of discrimination, we examine the case exposed, and we evaluate what action to do by crossing three aspects:

  • Psychosocial care involves accompaniment from the emotional dimension of the situation exposed. The objective is to boost person’s own resources to overcome the social stigma, and empowering the person to use rights guarantee mechanisms.
  • We make available to the individual different forms of management resources such as conciliation, intermediation or mediation. Likewise, we develop the sanctioning power, if applicable, according to the regulatory framework at stake.
  • The legal counseling service, made up by lawyers specializing in discrimination and human rights advises people about what their rights consist of and the most effective way to exercise them effectively. Thus, when a person brings a discrimination complaint to the OND, they are given guidance so that they can take the most appropriate decision for their specific case. Citizen complaints are forwarded to administrative, legal or mediation proceedings, with the aim of redressing any harm suffered and enabling victims to exercise their rights in full.



In the city there are different organizations that develop their own services for victims of discrimination. From the OND, a Board of Organisations has been created open to all those actors who want to work these aspects in a coordinated way.

Among its aims we can highlight: to scan jointly the situation of discrimination in the city, to share resources and suggest, create and implement protocols of action.

Currently, the following entities are part of the Organisations Board:


If you want to report a situation of discrimination and request support from the OND, you can do so:

Actions performed


An association that aims to impact and raise awareness about the reality of migrant LGBTQI + people, generating inclusive environments so that people can exercise their rights and liberties. It provides support in the process of social and occupational inclusion to people who have applied for international protection, and works for social transformation and community empowerment.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website

Àmbit Prevenció

Foundation with different programs aimed at people who are affected by different axes of vulnerability (sex work, violence, substance use, poverty, skin color, dissident sexual orientation...).

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website

Associació Catalana de Defensa dels Drets Humans


Non-profit association constituted exclusively by lawyers, who have incorporated into the guiding criteria of the exercise of our profession the defense of fundamental rights of people, both individual and collective, recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1950 Rome Convention and other international treaties constituting the legal body that we call human rights.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (CAT)


Bayt al Thaqafa

Through a specific office, it provides support and socio-legal assistance in cases of direct and indirect discrimination. It also accompanies and offers advice on judicial processes, with special focus on hate crimes cases.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)


Non-profit, independent, cohesive and sustainable organization that responds to social dynamics related to migration and social exclusion processes.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website

Consell Assessor de la Gent Gran de Barcelona

Municipal body for the participation of elderly people in the city, composed mainly of elderly people representing entities, the representatives for the participation of elderly people in the districts, or in an individual basis, as well as technical and political representation at the city level and from districts.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)


Private and non-profit organization dedicated to the care and promotion of the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, constituted by the voluntary union of associations and other social initiative entities to better achieve their own purposes and facilitate their coordination.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website

Federació ACAPPS

The reference entity for families and people with deafness who communicate orally, by speaking.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (CAT)

Federació ECOM

Associative movement of people with physical disabilities that defends the exercise of their rights to achieve full social inclusion and the improvement of their quality of life through empowerment as a backbone. It also works in the strengthening of the associative sector of physical disability.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)

Federació Salut Mental Catalunya

It brings together more than 60 entities from all over Catalonia regarding people with mental health problems, their relatives and friends. It provides services to federated entities and to general population and works for the social-community inclusion of people with mental disorders and for the improvement of public policies addressing this group.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (CAT)

Federació Secretariado Gitano Catalunya

Intercultural non-profit social entity that provides services for the development of the Gypsy Community in Spain and in the European sphere.  It covers from attention to cultural diversity. It has a Service for Assistance and Guidance for Victims of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website

Federació Veus

Organization formed by a range of associations, created and directed by people with mental health diagnosis. It aims to strengthen the associative movement in the first person, and defends the rights of people with a psychiatric diagnosis. It is formed by ADEMM, Emilia, Imagina, Matisos, Radio Nikosia, Pread, Associació d’oci inclusiu Saräu, Cooperativa Aixec.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)


Cooperative that accompanies people and groups in processes of awareness with vocation of personal and social transformation. It supports diversity and freedom in a deep sense, so that each one can be more who is.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)

Gais Positius

Association managed by Gay men with HIV that works to respond to HIV and AIDS for the LGTBI community since 1994. Its mission is to promote support, activities and services and eradicate stigma and discrimination by influencing local, regional and local policies to promote social, legal and administrative changes that contribute to improving the living conditions of all people with HIV and AIDS.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)

Irídia - Centre per la Defesa de Drets Humans

Irídia is an association that works for the defense of human rights in Catalonia, specifically focused on civil and political rights. We combine direct intervention in situations of violation of human rights with the development of social and political advocacy processes that aim to promote change in public policy.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)

L’Associació pels drets sexuals i reproductius

Interdisciplinary non-governmental entity composed by of people interested in the promotion and defense of Sexual and Reproductive Rights.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (CAT)

Observatori contra l'Homofòbia

Tool aimed at LGBT community to fight LGBT-phobia in all its forms and provide the necessary support to the victims. It offers a service of psychological attention and emotional support for people who have suffered or are suffering aggression or discrimination because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (CAT)

Plataforma per la Llengua

Non-governmental organization that works to promote the Catalan language as a tool for social cohesion. He works in the different Catalan-speaking territories and from a transversal perspective in the socioeconomic and audiovisual field, in the reception and linguistic roots of newcomers, in universities and in education and in administrations, among other areas of action.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website

Sindicat de Llogateres

Organization that wants to gather people who live or want to live on rent and defend their right to housing.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)

SOS Racisme – Catalunya

An organization formed by people who defend Human Rights from the anti-racist action. It works to eradicate racist and xenophobic discrimination in all its manifestations and all areas of society, attending people and changing consciousness.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (CAT)

Unión Romaní

The National Federation of Gypsy Associations that fights against racism, works for the defense of Gypsy culture and promotes Human Rights. It spreads the Gypsy culture, promotes the role of gypsy women and develops actions to overcome marginalization in the education and work environment.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website

Xarxa d'Atenció a Persones Sense Llar

The purpose of the XAPSLL is to strengthen the city's organizational capacity to accompany homeless people in a process of recovery of maximum personal autonomy and encourage the detection and linking of these people to existing resources, establishing and expanding joint work and collaboration between the public sector and social entities.

Data sheet (CAT)    |    Website (ESP)


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