Guaranteeing the rights of participation
Its mission is to clarify doubts and resolve conflict situations where a city resident or a group of people considers that their participation rights have been infringed.
The Protection Committee, which is part of the Citizen Participation Council, is a consultative body made up of six people who are renowned authorities on citizen participation matters and who are independent from the municipal government.
The Committee members are proposed by a variety of players: two people are proposed by the Municipal Council, two by the Government Commission, one by the City Council and one by the Barcelona Ombudsman’s Office.
Participatory Process Advisory Committee
Its function is to advise, support and monitor participatory processes, to ensure that they are carried out with the maximum possible quality and rigour.
The Advisory Committee issues reports and makes recommendations about methodologies, tools and mechanisms needed to achieve plurality and diversity of voices in the development of the process.
The Advisory Committee is of a consultative nature and it is made up of six people with proven experience and expertise on participatory processes, and with specialised knowledge concerning gender, diversity and accessibility matters, among others.
Under no circumstances may Advisory Committee members be elected officials of municipal, national or European institutions. Nor may they be temporary civil servants or hold municipal management posts.
One third of the Advisory Committee members is proposed by the City Council, one third by the Government Commission and one third by the general public, and the members will be chosen by direct election using the digital platform.
Monitoring committees
Monitoring committees are created for each specific participatory process or public consultation, and are made up of members of the general public and municipal specialist staff. Their function is to monitor the effectiveness and quality of the participatory process or consultation, and supervise them, issue an opinion on the specific instruments and methodology used, make any proposals and suggestions for improvements they consider appropriate, and whenever necessary, issue reports on amendments presented by participants that express doubts or objections about the process.