What does it do?
The Animal Coexistence, Defence and Protection Council is an advisory and participatory body for the city’s animal organisations and associations. Its main mission is to sustain a dialogue between the City Council and social representatives with the aim of improving the city's quality of life.
Its key functions are to preserve and improve coexistence and urban biodiversity in our city, draft proposals to construct a more civil city and to improve coordination and increase collaboration among animal associations, public bodies, professional sectors and municipal representatives.
The Animal Coexistence, Defence and Protection Council is organised through a plenary meeting consisting of the presiding councillor, representatives from all spheres and councillors involved in the issue under discussion, the Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens, Barcelona Zoo, the Veterinary Society, the Society of Biology, the Zoology Museum, three experts on the subject and finally, a maximum of two representatives from the Federation of Barcelona Neighbourhood Associations .
The Council’s Permanent Committee discusses and studies the subjects debated in the Plenary Meeting and informs the Council.
What does it do?
Active citizenship is a strategic as well as structural option of the Barcelona City Council, and the Municipal Council of International Cooperation is the instrument of active citizenship with regards to international cooperation and solidarity.
It was constituted on April 19, 1999, and its objectives are the following:
- To analyse, reflect, evaluate, suggest and influence the activities of international cooperation for development, by means of contributing to the creation of a positive social climate
- To orientate the municipal activity on matters of international cooperation for development
It is a body of dialogue and participation of civil society, and organism of assessment and consultation of the municipal policy of cooperation for development, and the meeting point with the solidarity fabric of society, the aim of which is to create synergies and cross-relations.
What does it do?
The Barcelona Municipal Women's Council is an advisory forum for debating and advising the Municipal Government, providing a gender perspective on public policies, according to the needs and interests expressed by women in Barcelona.
The Barcelona Municipal Women's Council main aims include monitoring the Municipal Plan for Women and discussing municipal actions that contribute to promoting the presence of women in different areas of society, as well as issuing opinions and reports on matters that are especially relevant to women.
What does it do?
The Municipal LGBTI Council is an advisory and participatory body that promotes equal rights, freedom and social recognition for gays, lesbians and transsexuals.
The Municipal LGBTI Council aims include analysing the city's attitudes to people's rights regarding their identity and sexuality, debating municipal actions that help to promote the contributions made by lesbians, gays and transsexuals in all spheres, and monitoring the creation of by-laws that particularly affect lesbians, gays and transsexuals.
The Municipal LGBTI Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting, consisting of the chair (the Mayor or the Councillor responsible for this matter), the deputy chair (a representative from the Council's member associations) and representatives of all municipal groups.
Representatives of each of the city’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual associations also form part of the Council, as well as professionals in the municipal sphere who are linked to the Council’s priority aims and content, political parties, trade unions, business associations and universities.
What does it do?
Barcelona Social Housing Council is the advisory and participatory body for the city’s housing policy, acting as an instrument for generating opinions and proposals, as well as promoting its findings.
The functions of the Social Housing Council are the monitoring and evaluation of Barcelona’s housing plans, the future Law on the right to housing in Catalonia and all plans that apply to the City of Barcelona, as well as advising the Barcelona Housing Consortium, Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat’s administration on access to housing.
The Social Housing Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting of over 60 members. It consists of the chair (the Deputy Mayor for Urban Habitat), the deputy chair and representatives of the Generalitat, the City Council, all municipal groups and the municipal sectorial participatory councils.
Members of non-profit organisations also form part of the Council, as well as members of associations, social-support organisations for access to housing, cooperatives, trade unions, professional societies and members of neighbourhood associations, among others.
What does it do?
It is a sectorial advisory and participatory body, which acts in areas related to sustainability. It represents various groups and sectors, promotes the Citizens' Commitment to Sustainability (the roadmap for a more sustainable city) and new strategies for the involvement, co-responsibility and participation of public organisations.
Its functions, organisation and internal operations are governed by internal regulations approved by the Full Meeting of the Municipal Council of Barcelona City Council in 2014. The highest representational, debating and participatory body of the Citizen Sustainability Council is the Plenary Meeting.
What does it do?
The Barcelona Municipal Sports Council is a forum where the various agents and players from the sports sector in Barcelona meet and participate. It is an instrument for furthering the promotion of sport and physical activity in the city. The Council's activities include advising the municipal government on sport, collaborating in policies for fostering sport, taking part in the design, evaluation and monitoring of plans, programmes and sports initiatives and helping to draw up the map of municipal sports facilities (MIEM).
Barcelona Municipal Sports Council is made up of the following bodies and participatory forums: the Plenary Meeting (which meets at least twice a year), the chair, the deputy chairs, the Permanent Commission, the secretary and the working groups.
What does it do?
It is a place for dialogue between the City Council, the various commercial sectors and outstanding individuals from the commercial sector. The Forum has a participatory and advisory role, playing a part in how commerce is managed in Barcelona. Its role is to propose, study and provide information on municipal projects and policies which affect commerce in the city.
What does it do?
The Barcelona Security Council (CSPB) is the participatory body for the city's public security system. The place where political representatives, the justice administration, lawyers' associations, prosecutors, journalists, police forces, trade unions, employers unions and city residents meet to democratically discuss security in Barcelona. The Council holds three ordinary meetings a year.
In recent years, the CSPB has been in responsible for the rapid justice system, the implementation of pre-constituted evidence, rapid complaints reported in situ, etc.
The CSPD is chaired by the Mayor, with representatives from many of Barcelona’s institutions and groups. The Prevention Services Directorate is in charge of providing technical support, monitoring the sessions and agreements and supporting working groups.
The Municipal Consumer Council (CNC) is a sectoral advisory and participatory body made up of organisations that defend Barcelona’s consumers and users.
The following actions fall within the Council’s purview, under its regulatory rules: acting as an advisory and direct citizen-participatory body in municipal management regarding trade and consumer issues; informing and advising the City Council on the above-mentioned issues; preparing studies and proposals at the request of the City Council or on its own initiative; collaborating with the City Council in organising events, courses, campaigns, meetings and so on, on technical aspects that may improve the level of professionalism of citizen organisations and on informing consumers and raising their awareness, and acting as an advisory body in the processes for drafting regulations and byelaws relating to trade and consumer issues.
How is it organised?
The CMC organises itself and acts during Full Council Meetings and through work commissions. It is made up of representatives of political party groups and consumer and user associations established in the city, and municipal specialists.