
The City and Tourism Council is an open, diverse citizen-participation body set up to discuss what kind of city we want and, therefore, what kind of tourism suits the city best.

In other words, the Council is a debating forum, where public bodies, associations and political representatives can share their thoughts and put forward proposals for improving the development of Barcelona's tourist sector.

The resolutions adopted at the Council are not binding, but serve as a basis for decisions taken at Full City Council meetings.

The City and Tourism Council is chaired by the Mayor and includes representatives from the general public and local residents' sector, the tourist business sector, commerce, the restaurant and catering sector, sports and culture, trade unions, environmental associations, social groups and every district, as well as expert professionals, technical managers and representatives from each municipal political group.

This means the City and Tourism Council is a participatory body that debates the planning and management of tourist activities, involves the general public in tourism governance and collaborates in government actions on tourism policies, strategic lines of action and initiatives.