Green hubs in Sant Martí

The San Martí district is also undergoing a major transformation, based on initiatives framed within the 22@ development process. The aim in this sector is for the new economy to blend with a friendlier urban planning, with leisure space for local residents and more greenery.

The implementation of the Barcelona Superblock project in San Martí will in the future permit the transformation of one in every three streets in the district into a green hub, designed primarily for the benefit of pedestrians.

To begin with, during this term of office work will be commencing in various sections of the first five hubs:

  • Almogàvers Hub: In October 2021 the first section of this hub to be transformed by the addition of more greenery and more leisure space (between Carrer Joan d'Àustria and Carrer Pamplona) will be opened to the public. Furthermore, a large square has been created at the junction with the Zamora Hub. Besides this space, the Almogàvers section between C/ Ciutat de Granada and C/ Roc Boronat in the Poblenou Superblock area, will soon be transformed too. Further information.
  • Zamora Hub: The section of this hub between C/ Almogàvers and C/ Pere IV, where the large square at the junction with C/ Almogàvers stands out, will also be opening to the public in October 2021. This hub is soon to be extended from C/ Sancho de Ávila to C/ Llull. Further information.
  • Cristóbal de Moura Hub: This hub will run from the Parc Central del Poblenou to the Parc del Besós, transforming eight blocks of this street along the Cerdà section. It is already a reality in the area around Ca l’Alier between C/ Fluvià and C/ Provençals, where a large central 26-metre-wide green strip stands out, with numerous spaces for leisure and play. The next section will be the one between C/ Josep Pla and C/ Maresme, along the Besós side of 22@.
  • Puigcerdà Hub: Works on this hub will affect traffic along the section between C/ Perú and C/ Pallars. It will cut straight across two other hubs: the Cristóbal de Moura hub and the Bolivia hub, and will also include traffic calming measures along C/ Veneçuela, between C/ Josep Pla and C/ Maresme.
  • Bolivia Hub: Traffic calming is now being implemented in new sections of this hub, between C/ Fluvià and C/ Selva de Mar; and between C/ Josep Pla and C/ Maresme, where it also intersects with the Puigcerdà hub.
  • Eix Almogàvers i Zamora
  • Eix Almogàvers i Zamora
  • Eix Almogàvers i Zamora
  • Eix Cristóbal de Moura
  • Eix Cristóbal de Moura
  • Eix Cristóbal de Moura
  1. Eix Almogàvers i Zamora
  2. Eix Almogàvers i Zamora
  3. Eix Almogàvers i Zamora
  4. Eix Cristóbal de Moura
  5. Eix Cristóbal de Moura
  6. Eix Cristóbal de Moura