An ambitious budget for a complex 2023

An ambitious budget for a complex 2023

The municipal budget is set to grow by 5.6% compared to the current year, reaching 3,595.9 million euros.

Negotiations are under way for the municipal budget for 2023, which is set to rise by 5.6% compared to the current year and reach a record figure of 3,595.9 million euros. The budget will be based around four main areas: covering people’s basic needs; tackling the social emergency caused by current instability; addressing the economic recovery and continuing to transform the city and its neighbourhoods.

In all, an additional 189,6 million euros will be used to boost social policies, the culmination of urban transformation projects planned for the current term of office and measures to drive the economic recovery.

More income

The growth in revenue is based on special contributions from the Spanish state, with State Revenues and funds generated by the Tax on Overnight Stays in Tourist Accommodation rising in line with the recovery of this sector in the city.

The freeze on all municipal taxes remains in place, with a new discount established for the tax on occupancy of public space in the case of vehicles with the ECO classification badge.

Current rates will remain unchanged, including the 75% discount applied to the tax on terraces. A new change to be introduced will see municipal taxpayers who pay more than two council charges offered a flat rate option enabling them to roll these into a fixed monthly charge.

Social spending

Current expenditure to cover the activity of public services will rise to 2,235 million euros. The main budgetary item is for the policies of Social Services and social promotion, at 408 million euros. The municipal priority continues to be support for the most vulnerable and those hit hardest by the current inflationary situation.

Improving public space and security

Services and improvements to public space, including waste collection, cleaning and sewerage, will have a budgetary item of 403 million euros.

Citizen security and mobility will account for 370 million euros of the municipal budget, allowing for up to a thousand new jobs with the City Police. This will bring the number of officers in the city to a record 3,500.

The recruitment processes initiated in the current term of office have enabled women to account for 40% of new officers.

Economic recovery

Priority is also being given to the economic recovery, with a package of 106 million euros for policies to promote, strengthen and diversify manufacturing and production sectors in the city.

This includes a package of 22 million euros in direct support for the self-employed, SMEs and the unemployed to tackle the economic situation caused by instability and rising consumption and energy costs.

Greater investment to culminate the urban transformation

An overall sum of 884.1 million euros (including 124.6 million to be executed by BSM and the Barcelona Municipal Institute for Housing and Renovation) will be used to boost the construction of public housing and culminate urban transformation projects in all city neighbourhoods.

A sum of 338.1 million euros will be invested in major projects already under way, such as the work in Av. Meridiana, Glòries, the connection of the tram systems, the transformation of Via Laietana and La Rambla, the green streets in L’Eixample and the new Olympic Port. In addition to these projects, the transformation of the Túnel de la Rovira will receive investment, as will studies to continue to cover the Ronda de Dalt.

Investment should reach all neighbourhoods through projects such as the participatory budgets (17.4 million euros) and the Neighbourhood Plan (23.4 million euros), plus long sought-after projects such as those for the Pont de Santander, the Interiors de Canyelles, the transformation of Pi i Maragall and the reurbanisation of Av. Madrid in Les Corts.

Other notable investments include improvements to facilities such as the Abaceria and Horta markets, cultural centres such as the Fabra i Coats and the library in Sarrià, the conversion of the former Pere IV cinema to house the Ramon Alós Library and the enlargement of the primary medical centre in Sant Martí.

A special fund of 50 million euros is also planned for major investments in the city’s districts as a whole.

Stability and financial solvency

The budget guarantees municipal financial solvency. It should achieve a gross saving equivalent to 17% of current revenue and borrowing of around 30%, with an average payment time for providers of 18.8 days, well below the established limits.

The proposal is to be presented to the Commission for Economy and Tax in October, together with the provisional approval for the Tax By-laws for 2023.

The negotiation process is under way with all municipal groups in a bid to achieve maximum consensus before the budget is finally approved in the full council meeting for December.

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