“Barcelona, Science Destination”, a programme to diversify tourist appeal

“Barcelona, Science Destination”, a programme to diversify tourist appeal

Science. The goal is to diversify options for visitors in this sphere, adding to the city’s tourist appeal in terms of science and dissemination.

Part of the Barcelona Science Plan 2020-2023, this programme developed by Barcelona Turisme includes seven routes and 46 spaces around the city and aims to boost the Catalan capital’s appeal at a national and international level in terms of science and dissemination. The programme also offers a themed agenda listing all events and a card with discounts at 27 centres.

A study by Barcelona Turisme shows that 41.8% of potential visitors to the city have an interest in scientific dissemination. Taking this into account, and with the idea of adding more options in this area, the “Barcelona, Science Destination” programme has been created.

The programme will offer visits to 46 spaces linked to science, technology, innovation and research, such as the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Cosmocaixa, the Observatori Fabra, the Royal Academy for Sciences and Arts, the Royal Academy for Medicine, the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, the Umbracle and the Tres Pins Municipal Plant Nursery.

The programme also includes seven themed routes, where the 22@ district and Poblenou play a special role thanks to their industrial past and the technological reconversion they have undergone, a process which has put them at the forefront in terms of architecture and energy sustainability. There are also routes to discover the first power station in the Spanish state, which meant a major change in life in the city, and others to discover the input of women scientists in constructing the narrative of the city. Einstein and his visit to the city on 22 February 1923 will also be the focus of a route, tracing the steps of the German physicist and Nobel laureate around the streets of Barcelona.

The programme has been designed to attract science professionals, as well as the general public, with six visitor profiles established in all: families, science visitors, students, the ecologically aware, the cultural visitor and the general public.

The programme will include a Science Card offering discount at 27 spaces or science centres such as the Supercomputing Center, the Royal Academy of Medicine and the Natural Science Museum. There will also be a themed agenda, updated daily, with all the science and tech events and ceremonies being held in the city. This will be available on the website Visit Barcelona.

Barcelona and science

According to Nature magazine, Barcelona is the fourth European city in terms of scientific production and the region in southern Europe with the most start-ups. It also has12 universities and 36 recognised university research institutions on an international scale, with 20% of students coming from abroad. There are 21 centres operated by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), 8 hospital institutions which carry out research, 16 science parks and 13 large infrastructures to support research (GISR). Besides this, the city is the mobile capital and also stands out in terms of fairs and congresses (with the medical sector very well represented).

The programme is the result of work by Barcelona Turisme and the City Council, through Barcelona Activa and the Area for Economic Promotion, in collaboration with the city’s science network and organisations such as the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI), 22@ Network, Barcelona Centre Universitari (BCU) and SciTech Diplohub.